Is your teenager or college student preparing for spring break? The staff here at Bernardi Audi of Natick want you to know we feel your pain. Here are some hot tips on how to prepare those young guys and gals for this young adult season. We hope this will help to give you some interesting insight on ways to ensure that they have a safe and happy trip.
Spring Break for most colleges and high schools start anywhere from February until April depending on the school. This is a fun time that our unsupervised teens will be going off doing some crazy things. It’s enough to give a parent heart palpitations just thinking about it. However, there are some very good ways to keep your child safe and having a good time even if you’re not there to tuck them in at night.
Let’s look at some ways that you can help them.
- Be clear on what you expect from them, communicate this directly.
- Tell them what risks they could have if they aren’t careful
- Make sure they have emergency numbers to call (If this is an international trip, be sure to include our government offices i.e. American Embassy)
- Ask who is there travel partner and be sure to meet this person ahead of time
- Plan ahead for passports if necessary
- Keep them safe from thieves by dressing down, not wearing expensive items, and keeping their cell phones hidden.
- Pack their sunscreen
- Be sure to contact your cellular carrier to ensure their phone is set up to roam. Also, include additional calling cards with their luggage.
Tell us how you prepared your teen or college kid for this big event. We would love to hear from you.
If your child will be driving somewhere call us to help you with travel planning by auto today. or call us at 888-691-0446
We wish you the best in giving your child the tools to have a safe and exciting trip!
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